Svetlana Naumcik from iLaw

Refusals in extension of a residence permit in Lithuania. Causes and consequences.

Since 2017, amendments to the law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens” have come into force. Despite the fact that new immigration rules have established preferential terms for technological start-ups that are at an early stage of their development with a scalable and innovative product or business model, now it is more difficult to obtain a residence permit based on legal activity in Lithuania than before. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

Grybauskaitė vetoes bill easing restrictions on repeat residence permits for foreigners

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė has vetoed a bill proposed by Social Democrat MP Algirdas Sysas and adopted by the Seimas (parliament) that suggest that certain requirements for third-country nationals would only apply for their first application for residence permits in Lithuania, and that the permit would later be extended almost automatically.

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De-industrialisation was the most painful for older workers. The employment service has directed these men to do community service at the local water supplier (photo by Dalia Mikonytė)

Creativity and boredom in a Lithuanian town coping with globalisation

Having joined the eurozone this year and successfully advertised its natural and urban wonders, Lithuania has become a new darling of international travel ‘listicles’. Its brushed-up capital, ambitious start-ups and emerging foodie hotspots make many visitors wonder if this is really one of the poorest countries in the European Union. Much of the country’s hardships, however, have been cushioned by de-industrialised peripheral towns – like Alytus. Having lost most of its industries, the town is looking for new, global inspiration. […]

Global LT

Lithuanian parliament tightens residence requirements for foreigners

The Seimas of Lithuania on Thursday passed a bill, tightening requirements for foreigners who want to reside in Lithuania. […]