
Lithuania acknowledged as a cheap country, this caused the anger of citizens

According to the affordability of goods and services in 2018, Lithuania lies ahead of many EU countries, the newest EU survey data says. However, Lithuanians are not rushing to celebrate; they say that the prices […]

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Luminor economists forecast Lithuania’s economy to slow down in 2019, however the year will be good for reforms

Luminor economists forecast economy to grow at 2.7% next year in Lithuania, as external economic environment is expected to deteriorate. The GDP growth will be detained by increasingly active seismic zones in global macroeconomic landscape. Economists suggest that in the eve of cyclical slowdown, three ideas could help to prepare for slowdown, a press release from Luminor states. […]


A growing number of Balts are struggling with debt despite the growing economy

In the wake of a long period of economic growth, savings have gone up – but so has indebtedness. A growing number of people are struggling: every fifth European needs to borrow in order to pay bills. That group has increased from 15% three years ago to 20% this year. In the Baltics, the situation differs from country to country. Every third Latvian has borrowed money to pay bills. In Lithuania, the situation is comparable to the EU average (19%), while in Estonia the numbers are relatively low and only 12% of consumers have borrowed money in the last 12 months in order to pay bills. […]


EU funding paradox: Lithuania is not rich, but cheap and will thus get less

So far, Lithuania has been one of the European Union member states, which received more than it paid into the common budget. This situation should continue in the next financial cycle, however after it, Lithuania’s […]

Appartment buildings

Economists respond – who will be most impacted by the changes

Economists have evaluated the proposed tax rework – those earning the least will benefit, while there will be no impact on everyone else. The commenters were unwilling to describe the changes as reform. The majority […]

View from the Lajų Path

Analysts: Forestries must be restructured within 1-2 years

After the Lithuanian environment minister initiated restructuring of state forests, analysts say the country’s 42 state forest institutions should be restructured within the coming two years, as otherwise the reform may be left unimplemented. […]